March 20, 2020
Top Security Tips for protecting your business in the current situation

With many businesses shutting down, An Garda Síochána has now increased security with high visibility patrols all over the country.
With many businesses shutting down, An Garda Síochána has now increased security with high visibility patrols all over the country.
This article discusses the current situation in Ireland relating to car theft and what business owners could do to ensure the safety of their vehicles whilst away.
Storm Ciara aftermath
Met Eireann said ‘Storm Ciara will continue to produce very strong west to southwest winds over Ireland. Around 14,000 premises are without power. AA Roadwatch says there is flooding and fallen trees on a number of roads nationwide.’
Microsoft Windows 7 – Launched in 2009, announced from 14th January 2020 will not be supported by Microsoft affecting a couple of hundred million users including corporations.
According to An Garda Siochana, more than 650 drivers were arrested during the road safety campaign last year. A quarter of those were detained on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol on Christmas Day.